Word Porn

I like porn. I like watching handsome studs doing nasty things to each other. But porn, after a while, gets “samey”. It’s all basically a variation of the same thing. Someone gets sucked or fucked and maybe there’s some bondage and flogging. There are some seriously hot videos out there, particularly when the actors actually seem to be into each other, and I certainly have a few porn boyfriends I like to visit repeatedly, but it gets old. And now we have amateur porn available. All this homemade porn drives me nuts. I can’t stand watching two twinks in bad lighting paying more attention to their phones than each other, and they want to charge you for the privilege of watching them forget they’re fucking someone while they fiddle with the iPhone. There is something to be said for production values.

I prefer reading porn, particularly well written porn. Good stories let your imagination create what the characters look like and sound like. It puts you in that created world more immersively than any video can. You get to visualize what that particular world is like, and you can tailor it to what your brain finds most stimulating. Good writing does that, porn or not, and good porn writing is, well, an art. Writing has far more freedom. The author can imagine any world they want and bring you into it. Porn vids just get corny when they try something like that. They don’t have the budget and, let’s be honest, the performers are not there because of their acting skills.

I like writing. I try to do a good job for my reader. I try to be distinctive without being repetitive and to write clearly and concisely. I’m not always successful. Several bloggers I know just write what pops into their heads and publish it immediately. I’m more deliberative. I’ll go a while before I think of anything I want to write, and then I’ll get several ideas all at once. I’ll write them and I’ll sit with them. I’ll read and re-read them, first for grammar and then with an eye for editing. Do I need this paragraph or this sentence? Does it fit and does it do anything to advance what I am trying to say? If not, it’s gone. I’ve rewritten things multiple times when they just don’t work. I usually find my posts end up about half the length they started at.

In the end, if I’m successful, I have a neat little package to send out into the world. It’s like porn to me. It’s intimate and I’m sharing it with strangers. When someone likes what I’ve written, I get a rush. I write mostly for me, as a form of therapy (it’s way cheaper). I get to sort out issues and feelings and I get to have people come along with me on the journey. I try to just put it all out there as honestly as I can and I’ll keep doing it because it helps me, and maybe, just maybe, it helps someone else whose struggles are similar to my own.



  1. Although your lifestyle is foreign to me (I’m a hetero vanilla with an adventurous imagination) I think you have a gift in how you express your thoughts and stories via the written word. You are a crafty wordsmith and storyteller.

  2. Silke David

    I’m totally with you. I enjoy a good story, That’s as well why I like reading blogs like yours and Drew, as it is real life. (I guess it is quite true)
    Re porn, the podcast Watts your Safeword just did their episode on camming, which I thought was very interesting, and they spoke about the rise of the amateurs putting badly produced videos out. I assume you have heard of the presenters Pup Amp and Mr Kristofer Weston, both experienced actors and producers.

  3. LOL – I have seen so little porn that I enjoy that I don’t even try to watch any. Poor writing, bad scripts, corny dialog. Just ugh.

    Like you, I prefer to read good erotica. Mai brane does a much better job at providing the visuals.

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