Size Queens

Just a random late night thought that occurred whilst scrolling through my Twitter feed, which is 90% chastity porn:

You’d think that being locked would end penis contests. After all, being locked is about denial. The penis should take a back seat. For me, it’s about giving up control, use, and ownership of said penis. I don’t have a cock, I have a metal piss tube. The contents (as Thumper likes to say) are not important anymore, and yet I see a lot of “cage envy” pics: Guys who can fill out large cages and post about it. It’s true, they’re well endowed, but that’s not the point. The point is that regardless of how big or how small it is, it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s not about the cock. It’s not being used anymore, so who cares how big it is? Your not fucking me with it, or anyone else for that matter. I think there should be an upper size limit on cages.

Any size cock can be put into a small cage. Cocks are very squishy, and many men enjoy having their cock essentially nullified. A large cage, however, is awful, especially if you can’t fill it out. They are incredibly uncomfortable (and look ridiculous IMHO). And there’s no reason why you should be in a 6+ inch cage (even if you fill it out) other than to say “I’m hung”. Smaller cages fit better, they fit in your clothes better, and they are far more comfortable, regardless of how big you used to be. So why do some locked endowed guys show off big cages? It’s high school locker room for the chaste.

I’m a little guilty of something similar, not because of the size of my cage, but because of the make. I sometimes feel a little elitist that I’m in Steelwerks, which is not a device many people can own. I even have more than one. I’ll cop to that. It just happens that it’s the only device I have ever owned (and I’ve had MANY of them) that I can wear 24/7/365. When you’re essentially permanently locked, quality, fit, and finish matter, trust me. True, they are beautiful and somewhat exclusive, but that’s not the motivation behind owning one. If I only played with chastity on and off like I did 20 years ago, it probably wouldn’t matter, and I certainly wouldn’t spend that kind of money on what would essentially be a sex toy. I didn’t get into a werks until after I was permanently locked. My cages are all somewhat smaller than my flaccid cock, so they are nice and snug. I’ve even played with smaller cages, which feel different and elicit different emotions, but in the end I don’t get much psychologically from them.

I don’t think everyone should be in a nub, by any stretch (though that’s kind of an interesting thought), and I recognize we all are built differently, but as a brotherhood of locked men, shouldn’t we move past the “look how big I am” mindset and just appreciate we are locked? I don’t want to compete with you guys. I want to cheer you on and support your journey, and I don’t want anyone to feel ashamed that they can’t fill out a jumbo cage. Like I said, that’s not important anymore. Being locked should be an equalizer.

I suppose it’s just human nature to be competitive with or envious of others. If it isn’t cage size, it would probably be something else. It’s fallacy to think that every locked man should be in the same cage. Where’s the fun in that? The innovation in cage design these past few years has been astonishing. Yet, if the IAOLM (international association of locked men) were to decide that 5 inches was the maximum allowed, I’d vote for that. I don’t have a small cock, but I can’t fill out a large cage either. I’m smack dab in the middle of the bell curve, so perhaps I am envious. I suppose I am to a certain degree. I shouldn’t be. Maybe it’s my inner saboteur making me feel inadequate. Or maybe it’s the effect of false expectations: fashion magazines only show ridiculously thin women, so normal women think they are fat. Gay porn models all have huge cocks, so normal guys feel they are small. Guys with huge cocks definitely post more dick pics on Twitter and they get a LOT of followers. I dream about those horse-dicked men fucking me, but I don’t dream about your jumbo cage. I just think we locked men need to remember it’s not about the cock, and maybe our cages should reflect that. I dunno, it’s late. I’m going to bed in my moderately sized cage.



  1. Even five inches is pretty well past “ludicrous” – unless you’re getting trimix daily, who’s got a cock that big? (And please don’t do trimix every day – I know someone who broke their junk from overuse.) Depending on the maker and how they measure, I fit into a 1.75″ cage or a 3.5″ cage, but if you feed me a couple viagra and get me excited, I’ll grow to 7+”

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